
miramonte high school cheerleader killed

Everyone talked a bunch of crap about each other, including Bernadette who was just as rude and mean as any other girl there. There were a lot of girls at Miramonte they didnt like or fit in, they ran them all out, not just Nancy, she wasnt alone, neither was Joanna, but they act like they were the only victims there. No matter if she was cocky or snobby; irrelevant. Ultimately, it took the police around six months to capture the killer. With this Virus, and now George Floyd, ( and the Riotings all over) Im deeply surprised people still are discussing Bernadette Protti on here, and other sites. There is no justification for murder, and I am not siding with the criminals, but you can push someone so far. As Angela lifts her bag, she looks back to her mother and gives her a classic "Why did you do that, mom?" Not just the 2 accussed. As for Nancy Kane she was the best in that group cause she was real, and they couldnt deal with that. Kirsten wasnt a bully. If she does go back there its only to see her family who is still there, and she wont leave The Whole time shes there or contact a soul. If Kirsten wanted to smoke pot, Bern would of esp. The movie really leaned toward Bernadette being seen by Kirsten and others as less of a person. Kirstens friendship meant so much to her, she would go on and on about it. Bernadette was snotty to. Get a Life please. If Kirsten was going to out Bernadette, she would of told Alex Arnold all about her, and the Conversation. I was even accused of being (Stuck up) We were all just Misunderstood. And Im sure Ms.Stuff and D and Beauty and the Beast are probaly still today If they want to be. Bernadette planned everything down to the last detail, even telling Kirstens Mum to ask Kirsten not to tell anyone about the supposed dinner that night. Her sister at the bank dont discuss Bernadette, or discloses her whereabouts, she just says Bernadette dont wish to be located by former classmates, friends or co workers, she has a very private life now and wants to be left alone. Kirsten had a good family, good life, and then this horrendous event took her life. Bunch of fg liars. Bernadette then stalked Kirsten all the way to her house which would anger and disturb most people. You claim you know Kirsten, are you the one who told about the Bullied Girls who were ran out and Demonized. She idolized Kirsten and her clique, wanting to be more like Kirsten. This is Berns BFF Ill bet. My Son was Murders in a drug deal gone wrong. If it was your child that was murdered for some idiotic reasonsIm sure your perspective would change. A teenage girl sought in the stabbing murder of an Orinda cheerleader lured her victim from home under the guise of driving her to a phony initiation ceremony for a socially-exclusive volunteer group, Contra Costa Sheriffs deputies said yesterday. Bernadette Protti also went to Miramonte High School, along with Kirsten. I was shy, empathetic and depressed. She was mean and Stuck up also. She wasnt a fan of stupidity or annoyance, or someone rubbed her the wrong way, she let them know. . She was warm, she was engaging, she was dynamic. In another one of your comments your wrote Well said Sarah. Hollywood tends to make villains heroes, and innocent people into villains. She told them that she was with a friend and she had gotten weird on her. Movie portrayed Kirsten as a Snotty girl, when really she was just down to Earth and Vivacious and fun Loving. How do you know she was mean? You dont know whether or not Kirsten had to go without anything. Missy didnt start fights just stood her ground. She was convicted in 1985 and sentenced to nine years, on a charge of second-degree murder. She was friendly, but kind of Arrogant as well. When it came to Bernadette. Kirstens mother was trying not to get sick. Plenty of Italians are natural blondes. All other photos are from the Miramonte High School yearbook, 1985. Bernadette chased her. But I dont remember hearing or learning about it until many years later. Things were never the same after all that, it was a horrible experience, one good friend was dead and another friend was her killer, it was to much for us to take in and swallow. As the cops went through the list of suspects, Bernadette Prottis name cropped up. Kirsten wasnt a bully. The senior class officers are President Haley Moltyaner and Treasurer. And, of course, at her age, the perception made her quite bitter. We arent all made to be popular. I am almost certain she and Bernadette had words its Obvious, but Kirsten got in the Car with her, Kirsten didnt have anything against Bernadette, Bernadette took it way to Personal till it became Personal and (fatal). Bernadette made a horrible decision by ending a girls life, if she left her alone, B wouldnt be in the mess she got herself in, she kept pushing for her friendship. You are disturbing and evil by stating that death was too good for Kirsten, an innocent victim of a brutal murder. There was this one girl that was so jealous of me, that she spread lies about me to her sorority friends and kept me from pledging her sorority. My friend loved her and said she was one that you couldnt help but love even though she could be cocky. I dont really care about your accusation, but its unnecessary and youre wrong. Also, Kirsten was upper middle class and lived in a less expensive area than Bernadette. Look inwards and think with consideration before you speak. If so, sweetie I want to meet you. She was not in a popular group, just a group. Bernadette was to in a (round about way) She wasnt as popular as Kirsten, she desired to have the things Kirsten had. God would want you to forgive, Kirsten would as well. However, all of this is unconfirmed. Its patent that Bernadette had built-up animosity towards Kristen. Bernadette should of gotten 25 to life for that Crime. After her mother read it, she picked her up from school and went to the police station to record the confession. As for knowing her Personally I didnt, I know someone who did, she was Bubbly and full of Jokes and Laughs. I hope shes not sick esp. 30 years ago, 15-year-old Costas was lured by a fake invitation for the Bob-O-Links service group dinner. I was wondering why she was so pro-Bernadette. I dont understand why you sympathize with a murderer and perpetuate lies about her murder victim under different aliases. Im sorry but not sorry to be petty but Bernadette has a huge fg nose and hamster cheeks topped with a double chin. And only 7 years in jail with parrole?! If Kirsten was going to out Bernadette she would of told Alex Arnold all about her. Do I believe she was (stuck up) to a degree I do, but arent most teen girls as I said before. I still cant believe this individual who killed someone because of jealousy, if she was so down in the dumps they why didnt she just KILL herself?????? Bernadette lived in a bigger house than Kirsten, and family had just as much money as the Costas family, if not more. Yes. This girl lives in San Francisco and knows a person who knows someone who knew Kirsten. A couple of them did, Bern just looked the other way. Bernadette couldnt of been to nice, she Murdered and watched 2 girls take the blame knowing it took a toll on thier lives and Families. Neither does a lot of former classmates. Im not sure about that case, but Kirsten I cant picture her being a bully, yes telling how she felt, that she did well. Protti, 16, was convicted of second-degree murder Wednesday for stabbing to death last June her popular classmate, Kirsten Costas, 15, a varsity swimmer and cheerleader. Additionally, the Bernadette character was portrayed as sweet and innocent, while a sexy twenty-something Tori Spelling played the part of the 15 year old Kirsten. That dont Justify Murder. justice was nwot served and the costas have shed tears and felt grief for over 30 years and i think bernadette shouldnt have been given the privelege to go to college, get her high school diploma, have a boyfriend, and then have kids and get married no she should have been locked in a brick cell staring at walls all day so that she could focus on what she did but no she is scott free now to go out and kill again if she wants. She is paying for it like they said in her chess pie recipe. She may be dead by now or have this bad Virus. Bernadette may not of paid her dues in the Justice system, shes paid for it online with her haters harassing her and outing her constantly, and her hometown community hated her and still does. She cared about people and if she thought she hurt someones feelings she would try and talk to them, we all make mistakes. Karen I believe on that fateful night In The car Bernadette was pushing a friendship was was adamant and persistent about it. Kirsten probaly spotted she wasnt all there and was going to out her on it. So youre justifying Murder due to bullying? The costas still have to deal with pain and grief and it doesnt matter if she was angry nobody thought about kirsten or her family by letting bernadette get a slap on the wrist! I just dont understand cant people just be happy with what god has made them. Even if she was, no right to murder her. You need help. Kirsten wasnt a Bully, she was Conceited and stuck up. Besides if Kirsten was going to out her, she would of told Alex Arnold all about it on the drive home. Rene was a lovely girl too who suffered not having opened the door for Kirsten because she was young and scared and didnt know what was going on, or who was at the door. I heard on here Joanna was bullied bad, so were quite a few others. What are you going to tell the press? was the first question she asked during the confession, followed by another: Do I go to juvenile hall or do I go back to Miramonte? Her fears of Miramonte were greater. She called Kirsten names. She was mercilessly cruel to anyone who was nothing like her although death in my opinion was far too good for her or any other bully. I hope she prays from the bottom of her heart, because the pain she caused the Costas well, she will have to pray forever!!! Friends said she was a glowing part of the student body with a warm and welcoming personality. Her inadequacies were all created by her and in her own head and she murdered Kirsten as a result. The Lifetime movie serves as a dramatic retelling, where we see how a girl decides that she can be popular and accepted at school, by befriending one of the more beautiful classmates. You are still getting that she was a bully from the movie where they changed everyones name because they werent doing a real version. I feel very sad for both sides. The girl with the football players heard she was ran out on her ear and laughed out of there to. Really? There have also been psychic calls. Randall admitted that he felt no sympathy for Kirsten and that is clearly evident in the movie as he deliberately portrayed Kirstens character as an insufferable, unlikable bully bitch in order for Bernadettes character to come across as sympathetic as possible because he identified with her. She is Crazy obviously, has enough problems and has to deal with murdering Kirsten and that doesnt help. No Tori Spellings character in a fictionalized movie was a bit mean. March 11-12, Miramonte students of each class came together to decide their class presidents, vice presidents, and treasurers for the 2020-2021 school year. 99.7 percent of teen girls are Smart alecks. So, what happened in 1984 and what is Protti up to today? Just because the Costas had millions of dollars and Are socialites Of the upper class community Does not give their family the right to treat others like dirt. It seemed like Bernadette needed intense psychotherapy for her issues. Probally Berns Relatives saying all that, or, very close friends. Admin Garret. What can you do? I hear Bernadette was Snooty also as Snooty as Kirsten. Bernadettes family lived in a more expensive area than Kirsten, so what does that tell you? I bet she finally became an outcast fro supporting Bernadette. No single human being has the effrontery to kill a fellow human being; talk less of a supposed child. They also laughed at you in the halls when you passed them, Bernadette to and Kirsten, I wasnt in the (wonderful in crowd) so I didnt fit in their world. I so disagree with some of the posters. I would rather die., Asked what Kirsten had done to make her angry, Bernadette said: I have a lot of inferiority feelings and I really have bad feelings about myself. She had her whole life ahead of her, even if she was a smart aleck she would of grown out of it long before now. To much at stake in the World than to be worrying about something that happened decades ago. Later, an agitated Kirsten reached out to Alex and Mary Jane Arnold, in Moraga, saying her friend had acted weirdly with her. People who need to put others down to feel validated are the ones with the mental problems and theres no excuse for that type of behavior the ppl saying that this girl or any girl is ugly they need to get checked maybe they are the real lesbians lol. Shame on you Bernadette what you did was morose, and against your entire religion and you stabbed Kirsten to death. Bernadette Protti shocked the nation and her locality when she confessed to the brutal murder by stabbing her schoolmate, Kirsten Costas. By education I mean an all-round drawing out of the best in the child and man; body, mind and spirit. ~ Mahatma Gandhi. Kirsten in no way deserved to die. You have no idea what you are talking about with Columbine. She served her jail sentence, got released early and is living an everyday life today. If anyone was pushed to the brink, it was Kirsten, but instead of reacting violently, she fled from Bernadettes car. The case was solved in December 1984, and a classmate named Bernadette Protti was arrested. Most people would find that bizarre and off-putting and would certainly not deserve to be killed over it. After the attacks start again, Ellie must find the killer before they get to her. Who cant see that part? Could of been any of those girls in that group as one girl said, they were all like Kirsten in lots of ways. She had just wanted to befriend her classmate and take her to a party, she said. But that has about a millionth of a percent chance of ever happening. She didnt have enemies,(that were known), just a fallout with Nancy. You got back at her more than enough, its best to leave her alone on other sites. Kirsten was described mostly Vibrant and friendly by others, and so was Bernadette. Nancy I would of never considered Murder, that is just plain Sick. Eventually, she felt increasingly insecure and put down by Kirsten. Joe Kosla, where are you? Your email address will not be published. Bernadette was not a nice girl, if she was then shed never of killed Kirsten, shed left her alone and went on. Maybe you need (a Life of your own). Elaine called the school, and she and her husband brought their daughter to the sheriffs office in nearby Martinez. Kirstens friends arent either (not one bit). Since then, she is supposed to have changed her name and left the state of California. I suffer from PTSD. They werent as bad as you think. PS: If you liked this article, please share it! Shes older also. Im disgusted. Self Absorbed yes. Wouldnt she have something smaller, like a paring knife? I hear Kirsten was a Sweet Adorable girl, and I heard she was a Bully. I just hear she stays mostly to herself and dont see much of former classmates. Bernadettes parents also left Orinda, but its unknown if they left the state of California. Plenty of facts support that view. How is that possible. Youre not looking at that Situation. Click here to read more of the story, which later became the (fictionalized) subject of not just one but two TV movies A Friend to Die For and Death of a Cheerleader.. Missy was more toughish than Kirsten that took no crap. Kirsten would of changed to overtime. Elaine, who was studying the Bible, set her kitchen timer and resumed reading. She always loved Cheerleading. Yes, I have seen the movie. Probably chubby ugly girls who were bullied as kids. She looked like Kirsten with her curly hair, and the Life of the Party like Kirsten. Anyone who defends her and likes her is a Pathetic Loser also. And if Kirsten was so bad and such a bully why did Bernadette want to be friends with her so badly? From a standpoint Kirsten was Adorable and fun person. The school was no more competitive than any other school around anywhere. Stuck up she was, no Bully. School is what you make of it, bullying goes on all the time no reason to Murder over that, Kirsten would of grown out of it by now even if she was a bully. Who killed Stacey in Death Of A Cheerleader? I believe Bernadette tried to friend her, and as I read and I do believe she acted on impulse, I believe she was just so enraged she snapped and did the (unthinkable). I have never seen Kirsten insult anyone, (I knew her), she was friendly towards everybody, Berns BFF May say it differently, cause Bernadette just took things way to Serious, and like I said she took things way to Personal to where it became Personal. Youve got to be kidding right?! Her friends were all Pretty. I am shocked to even read that some people think this 15 year old girl deserved to die because she could be a little snobby at school, I personally would prefer my children to be friends at school with a snobby girl than a cold blooded killer! You never give examples of what Kirsten did. Kirsten was beautiful. Bernadette went to private grade school called St. Perpetuas in Lafayette Ca. Most Cheerleaders are friendly, but kind of Stuck up as well, and picky about thier friends. Eventually, the FBI pinned the murder on Bernadette Protti, who was found guilty of second-degree murder and sentenced to nine years in prison. Please make an appointment with your councilor at school and discuss this with him or her I dont think she suffers from depression, but she is wanting to isolate from the World. Kirsten was just like any other girl who had to go to that snobby school. So thats not bullying, thats rejecting you, cause she knew Bern was off beat. Even so, I said before, and Ill say it again, still no excuse to murder. But we didnt care because our parents raised us not to be needy of anyones friend ship. Heres how to party like its 1969, See some slimming and sexy 1960s stretch pants, Print Color Fun: Free coloring pages & more fun for kids, Quotes Quotes Quotes: 1000s of clever & inspiring quotations, FindersFree.com: Find answers to lifes little questions. So she had money, her family did. If Bernadette killed Kirsten because she was bullied and put down by her, why didnt she give examples at her trial which would have strengthened her case? Bernadette was described as homely. You are one OBSESSED weirdo. From the author who also runs this site: The yearbooks ARE in my private collection, as is the huge picture of us in Washington DC. I agree Bernadette should of at least got 20 years like (Karen Severson and Laura Doyle) murder of Missy Availa, that happened a year after Kirstens like 5 hours South of us. Although Bernadette had been questioned and cleared via a polygraph test, a private detective hired by the Costas found discrepancies in her alibi. Did you ever think that she would not want to try to defend herself in court with letting out the terrible things Kristen said to her and how she berated her and others because she was sorry and she felt as though that would only add insult to injury to Kristens family?. And in the movie, the big butcher knife sat between the 2 girls in the car. Most teen girls are snippy, Im sure you girls who had a bad experience were to, in fact one she was worse than anyone she was a (bully) and when the tables turned on her she couldnt deal with it and left Miramonte. I just think Bernadette had underlying issues and pressure on her to get to the top, but that was no right for murder. Poor bernadette seemed very vulnerable and in need of help. The Lifetime movie serves as a dramatic retelling, where we see how a girl decides that she can be popular and accepted at school, by befriending one of the more beautiful classmates. She killed her cause she was afraid Kirsten would target her as a Weirdo now shes labeled as a MURDERER She should of just beat her up, that would of stopped her. So sad her life was shortened. Move on. You obviously are very contradicting since from gathering what the Hollywood movie has told you if Kirsten was truly a witch, then, Bernadette was a bigger idiot since she wanted to befriend such a person to begin with.

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miramonte high school cheerleader killed