
thailand agent orange 2021

How about the contaminated waters in Fort Dix, Prostate Cancer It is not a hereditary cancer. I also inquired about a dental cleaning which I have been getting off campus. He was a body builder & very health conscious! HMC, FMF, USMC, USS America [CVA66]. Charles McDivett. And as I didnt know then and only got a clue in 1987 well I was screened for agent orange I have been expected to prove that peripheral neuropathy was from my time in that country. To access the menus on this page please perform the following steps. Was it caused by the water we drank (blue water sailor), the free cigarettes, or a combination of both? I still believe I was subjected to Agent Orange. Lesion removed from Biden's chest was common form of skin cancer, doctor says. AGENT ORANGE EXPOSURE . Typically, the VA looks for evidence of duty near base perimeters or fence lines to establish herbicide exposure. Make your claim ASAP if you havent already. I was married Tommy husband for 20 years. How do I apply again if they are actually maybe taking this seriously? I had to clean all of this up with no idea that this could be agent orange. Agent Orange. "Our veterans are heroes and deserve to be treated as such. Always wondered if the bullet in his leg had something to do with developing cancer. Treasury sanctions three Russians for imprisonment of opposition leader. My electronics van had inch thick dust in it and all kinds of Vietnam paraphernalia hidden away on it. Regardless. Thank you for allowing me to vent. The Virus can no longer be used as an alibi. You submit a claim, Harmon said. My husband also served 67-68 with the Army, from DaNang, all the way up to the DMZ at Camp Evans as an Engineer attached to the 1st Cav. Website is still saying researching! Dont give up! Do I have any recourse in this matter. and last updated 2021-02-08 21:35:02-05. . Operation Ranch Hand. I have lost a kidney to cancer, had stage 3 Lymph cancer treated, skin cancers, and colon cancer treatments. He deserves something for his suffering and death related to his exposure while in Korea! in 1972 after coming back from Vietnam-went to VA in Albq., spent week in Hospital with a body rash all over except in crotch area-face-hands-looked and felt like sandpaper-VA told me was caused by a tick bite reaction-gave me numerous medications-to this day-I still get rash on my body and boils on my buttocks-very uncomfortable-was denied agent orange filing for it-our youngest son had his skin on fingers fall-off-I have faith in our VA Facilities-but not in our VA Leaders in getting info about all other Agent Orange Conditions-we are short of time-Please, may you do what is right for our remaining survivors God Bless America and those that pray for all humanity-to live in PEACE, TYPO? Agent Orange is just a euphemism for many different types of herbicides. I would like to know how many vets exposed to Agent Orange have gotten this rare autoimmune disease. So, good luck to any of you still living and fighting. Not sure why youre responding to this woman so rudely. Seems like mission is to dissuade veterans. AL Amyloidosis We would appreciate any help with the claim as it would cost 4,000 a month which we could not afford but one month. But we did. The work was nasty, many chemicals, oils, fiberglass, the duct work in the avionics bay located in the nose was trashed. VA will not make them wait any longer. There was a lot of Agent Orange used in the area. What do I have to do. The military even put up signs advising us not to go outside when the agent was being sprayed. Nobody in my family, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, nor their children, has what I have. I was stationed at Camp Lejune in Feruary 1959.I had a claim filed.Last year In August I had a traumatic brain injury and nearly died twice.While I was rehabilitating from this injury I received a call from the Veterans Administration about my claim.We got into an argument she told me she was also a Marine she was very nasty. You say that it is proven those chemicals cause various diseases including Scleroderma Where can I find such VA information mentioning that specific, rare autoimmune disease. He was informed that they were currently without the manpower to review these claims. ]. Then the following week I get a letter saying I missed my appt. They helped us a lot. They took away my health and my youth and replaced it with an endless routine of jumping through hoops to get basic healthcare needs, and now, as my body rapidly deteriorates, I will be forced to keep working until I die, which wont be soon enough. How about those of us that served in Okinawa and were exposed to AO on the boats that were sent from Vietnam for repairs? Also, the investigation found less use in Thailand and the DMZ then previously reported. I know of another individual who served in Vietnam and has the exact condition. If a claim is denied for 20 years and then was the granted at 100%, they saved over $800,000.00. Chisholm said he and like-minded attorneys representing veterans who served in Thailand are winning these cases one at a time, but with detailed evidence, detailed arguments, detailed affidavits. Right!!!!! I wish I live near you so we help each other out to ease the stress! The Young man handling Agent Orange claims referred me to my own civilian doctor and even paid for the visit. Why wont the VA properly recognize my 100% physical disability obviously caused by exposure to Agent Orange for the last 40+ years??!!!! My self I got a bloody nose and sore throat. Ancestry.com has a military lookup feature, and there is a website called vetfriends.com. Senators John Boozman (R-AR) and Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee Chairman Jon Tester (D-MT) are renewing their bipartisan effort to support veterans who served in Thailand during the Vietnam War-era by . Suggest you contact your local Disabled American Veterans (DAV) chapter. He had similar circumstances with diagnosis of Stage IV lung cancer in Nov. 2014 and passed May 2015. A large group of now grown children swapping stories and advocating for change. Big deal! I inquired to my VA service rep. and he related to me that All decisions are on hold for Bladder Cancer claims until the VA develops final guidance on how to proceed with these claims. The process seems so slanted as if to prevent the possibility that higher-ranking people bear the burden of responsibility. VA has had me Synthroid for decades, she again said sorry. He passed last year and I am sure his condition was caused by his exposure to Agent Orange or Blue Water exposure. I was freakwently exposed to agent orange. My daughter lived for a month & 7 days. Most counties have at least one. Lung transplant, Nov 1st, 2014. When will there be support for the children? Doctors say I have many ailments from AO exposure. Were you in Vietnam? VA will apply the provisions of court orders related to Nehmer v. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, which may result in an earlier date for entitlement to benefits for Veterans who served in the Republic of Vietnam during the Vietnam War. 45 years to get in the VA! I have heard nothing since. You get a whole 10% for it! During this rather dismal 14 month period I often wondered why so much red tape when the facts were undeniably evident (at least to me!) I finally was able to get into and fill out the burn pit registry about a year ago. At 40, I already had two heart operations (outside the VA). that rating. Hey, they can keep it and put it you know where. Spent a year on that Island as many other Vets. Almost every county has While they (VA) do provide the medical and scientific data to support whether the condition can be service connected or the presumptive(s) in this case, its CONGRESS that are the ultimate culprits who implement and dictate whats in the CFR and Public Law. visit VeteransCrisisLine.net for more resources. Expletive like her should not work for the Veterans Adim.I almost called the veterans hot line I was so depressed.I want to open up my claim again.Help me please. Go to the nearest Disabled American Veterans office and ask them for assistance. Asking them to do claims involving Chemical contamination is like asking a Janitor to build the space shuttle, and everyone knows it, but the games and waste of tax payer dollars continue as VA is a self run Government entity that can use logic to make decisions only assimilate like the Borg. My dad served proudly and for only to receive nothing in return from the VA. No burial benefits, no flag, just nothing!!!!! . My loved one is in hospice at this moment any time hes going to be restored to the kingdom of God. I served as an infantryman during the same period. I am a VSO and I always get comments that the VA is That is partly correct. Sorry this award came to late, We are the care takers of what they destroyed fur what, their greed. April 15 (UPI) -- A bipartisan bill introduced Thursday would allow Vietnam veterans who served in Thailand, Laos and Cambodia during the Vietnam War to qualify for disability benefits related to Agent Orange exposure. The veteran representative we now have in our county told me that the more that happens, the greater the numbers to have it considered for approval. March 3 (UPI) -- A Haitian migrant was found unresponsive aboard a U.S. Coast Guard cutter and pronounced dead after the Coast Guard stopped a vessel carrying 54 migrants off the coast of Florida. VA is establishing a holistic approach to determining toxic exposure presumption going forward. More graditude from government dead than alive. If you know of. Its AO, and also particulate matter exposure in SWA.]. They will help you prepare your disability claim . This check was blood tests and 20 minutes with the Doctor who was more interested in possible PSTD than anything. So it came as no surprise in around 2015 when the VA decided that it was not going to service-connect disabilities to alleged Agent Orange and tactical herbicide exposures in Thailand without the "blessing" of this mysterious little government unit known as the "JSRRC.". have hearing loss, VA plans, budget, finances, and performance. Sounds as tho EVERYTHING is denied!! God bless, I hope somehow something proper comes your way. On Thursday, Pennsylvania Reps. Matt Cartwright (D) and Brian Fitzpatrick (R) introduced new legislation to expand the presumption of exposure to Agent Orange for disability benefits to. A solution by Congress may be the best approach, some attorneys and veterans advocates say. I am compensated for it, though. Then renal cancer which was not presumptive at the time. My late husband was a mess sergeant and somehow field combat training. March 3 (UPI) -- The lesion that President Joe Biden had removed from his chest last month during his physical was a common type of skin cancer, his physician said Friday. . What a VA. It will make it much easier if you know a state he has lived in. My dad served in Vietnam. I am so glad they have finally recognized bladder cancer as a result of agent orange. I would love to find others that new him. I tried to respond to you twice, but they wont accept my posts for some reason. He had me late in life . Pass this info to everyone who was exposed to chemicals from Vietnam. Maybe Ill still be alive! I filed a claim with VA and was turned down. What about those of us Vietnam era vets that served on stateside bases such as Ft Gordon ga? Will his claim be reviewed now in light of the new findings? It's not clear how many veterans would be affected by the change. My husband has prostate cancer and VA wouldnt approve disability for that either. I have no idea. Never told the area had been coated with AO. I thought one of the most iconic scenes in the movie Platoon had in the background mamma sans stirring something in cut in half 55 gallon drums and burning it. Named for the colored stripe painted on its barrels, Agent Orange best known for its widespread use by the U.S. military to clear vegetation during the Vietnam War is notorious for being. Lack of a presumption of herbicide exposure does not prevent veterans from demonstrating through competent evidence that they were exposed to herbicidal agents and that such exposure is sufficiently related to a current disability to warrant disability compensation.. She could very well be eligible for benefits. It took a period of time because, at that time a US Navy Viet Nam veteran had to prove in country service connection. Trones bill would force these to be adjudicated this quicker, presuming that they were exposed to harmful herbicides. My husband did 2 tours in Vietnam and we were in the process of trying to see if he qualified for disability at but he died before we got to far along. 10% for coronary artery disease and bypass surgery? The burn pits were operating no matter which way the wind was blowing. A few months later, they removed my thyroid. Every day I was subjected to JP-4, Agent Orange surrounding our perimeter, MOGAS, Diesel and God knows what else. So what about those who served from 83 86 that got bladder cancer. He proudly gave 23 years to our country. Also this was 72 till76. Typically, veterans need to prove -- usually through medical exams and service records -- that their injuries and illnesses are directly connected to time spent in the military, Military Times noted. I have copd (breathing problems) and sinus conditions, do i qualify? He had a friend who was killed in 68 that was the only one he ever spoke of, and it traumatized him for life. as a fully developed claim if you can do that, they process those first. They (the VA) will grant it, (or) theyll grant it partially, (or) theyll deny it, which is probably about 80 to 90% of the Thailand veterans, they have been denied. As I read story after story. April 15 (UPI) -- A bipartisan bill introduced Thursday would allow Vietnam veterans who served in Thailand, Laos and Cambodia during the Vietnam War to qualify for disability benefits related to Agent Orange exposure. Used bales of rags to clean it up. When I applied I was surprised and impressed that a reviewer responded with some questions within days and I provided some more documentation. If you were in VN, now this disorder is on the presumptive list. And still didnt know what all that noise was,,I thought I had to live with it Find a VSO veterans service officer in your area, they will fill out forms and get them to the Air Force worked in air freight. My service record should have been proof enough. Are they eligible for Agent Orange benefits? I served in the 49th TAC Fighter Wing and got out in late 1974 after breathing jet exhaust on the flight line for almost a year. He kept his job until he died. And I wanted to try to talk to him, Ellen Spinks. Hard of hearing as well. https://www.publichealth.va.gov/exposures/agentorange/conditions/index.asp. Why doesnt the VA recognize those of us who served in Thailand. Oral, lung, esophagus, colon, prostrate, blood but not the stomach? The wheels of the VA grind extremely slow dont they. Were they ever exposed to AO? Mary get a lawyer you have a lot of money coming, a lot will have to what his death certificate Were old news to them, Skinner said of the VA. Arnie Harmon, a Columbus-area veteran who served in Thailand, filed for compensation or a monthly stipend some 15 years ago at the urging of one of his physicians. What about veterans who served on Johnston Island/Atoll? I would love to see the number of cases where the applicant has died before their case has been resolved. Problem is I am the sole surviver. My husband died at the age of 88 in Colombia, from a cardiorespiratory arrest, his diagnosis of Epoc, hypothyroidism, Parkinsons, osteoarthritis and Alzhaymer, these were presented to him from 2015 in Colombia, could it be a consciousness of the war chemicals? The person who told me to get copies of the VA Ordered DBQ stated that he fought with VA for more than twelve years before winning, I only applied two years ago and knew not, that I would have to fight like this in order to get what I feel that I am entitled too. In one case, at Gulfport, Mississippi, new information received from a Veteran led to changes for that site on the list. I will continue the fight to get benefits for all veterans who were exposed to Agent Orange and other toxic chemicals regardless of where they served.. I lived in Okinawa in 1967-68, then was in Navy in Vietnam from Many of our Nations Veterans have waited a long time for these benefits, said Secretary of Veterans Affairs Denis McDonough. He got a double whammy being a Vietnam vets son and then whatever was going on with the poison that was Anniston, good ol Monsanto strikes again :-( And of course, we never knew about that until it was decades too late. I guess the VA is waiting for me to check out completely. Falls short of what needs to happen, VA needs to make sure above all that people contaminated why doing their jobs in service get help. Why are we waiting 5 months to this to be awarded? I assumed that once a person wS 100%, there was no need to further file for illness related to agent orange. VA doctors told my husband to apply for disability for Agent Orange which was supposed to be automatic if you served in certain areas, including Thailand, where it was sprayed around base perimeters, where everyone walked. Hello Jerry He also suggested contacting political representatives to get them to work with you. If you have a copy of his DD214 and / or know the unit he was in you have a starting point. Many of Thailand veterans harmed by Agent Orange hope Congress will hear them - Congressman David Trone November 01, 2021 Thailand veterans harmed by Agent Orange hope Congress will hear them Credit: Dayton Daily News, Thomas Gnau Vietnam War-era veterans who served in Thailand say they're still fighting.

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